Home car painting how to remove white spots on car paint?
Remove White Spots on Car Paint

how to remove white spots on car paint?

by Peter Morris
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White spots on car paint are a common issue that car owners worldwide deal with. These difficult-to-remove blemishes can be aggravating, reducing the cosmetic attractiveness of your automobile, and, if ignored, might result in long-term harm. The causes, development, and most crucially, removal of these white spots are all covered in this extensive book.

Where do the White Specks Come From?

White spots on car

White spots on car

There are several reasons why your car’s paint can have white flecks. Unfiltered water is among the most often cited offenders. Rain, sprinklers or even water puddles can cause this. This water may leave behind mineral content like salts, calcium and magnesium carbonates when it comes into contact with your car’s surface.


These minerals from the water spots may stick to the clear coat of the car, causing the development of white blotches.

Dirt is a different source of white flecks. The car surface may attract dirt particles, which may eventually embed themselves in the paint. This may cause white spots to develop, especially if the soil contains light-colored or white materials.

dirt on car

dirt on car

The development of these spots might be influenced by environmental variables as well. For instance, your automobile can be more prone to white spots if it is constantly exposed to rain or if you reside in an area with hard water.

When the car is exposed to heat or sunshine, the etching process is expedited. Heat causes the water on the car’s surface to evaporate, leaving the mineral content behind as a water spot. Drying mineral contents get harder and stick to the paint’s surface, creating white stains as they do so.

Is the Car Paint Damaged By White Spots?

White spots on car paint are a problem that goes beyond aesthetics. Additionally, the paint may suffer serious harm from them. The clear coat, which is the top layer of car paint intended to protect the primer and color coat beneath, may deteriorate as a result of the etching process.

The color coat may be exposed to the outdoors when the clear coat is compromised, which might cause additional deterioration including discoloration, fading or even corrosion. To avoid long-term paint damage to your automobile, it is essential to deal with white stains as soon as they develop.

corrosion of car

corrosion of car

What Doesn’t Work on White Spots?

Try cleaning your automobile with ordinary soap and water before trying anything else. When you try to remove the stains, this gets rid of the particles that might damage the surface.

No matter how hard you try, you’ll see that simply cleaning your automobile may not be enough to remove the stains. This is because they need to be dissolved once more to be removed because they are firmly embedded in the clear coat’s tiny surface.

That is not in dispute because there’s a good likelihood that your car wash and auto service business will charge you a lot to get the spots removed. It won’t help to worry or become anxious over the stains on your cherished car.

car wash

car wash

How Can White Spots Be Removed From Car Paint?

Despite its intimidating appearance, removing white spots from car paint is a work that can be successfully completed with the use of the appropriate methods and supplies. The following are the top 10 techniques for eradicating white spots from your car’s paint:

Wash & Dry Your Vehicle

Giving your vehicle a thorough wash and dry is the first step in getting rid of water spots and white spots on it. To carefully wipe the car surface, use a microfiber towel and premium car wash soap. This may aid in removing the white spots by leasing them up. To avoid water spots developing, fully dry the car after washing. Wax your car for a greater finish.

White Vinegar Solution

A mild acid that might help dissolve mineral content is white vinegar. Equal parts of white vinegar and distilled water should be combined, then the mixture should be put in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture into the white areas, then wait a few minutes for it to dry before cleaning it away with a fresh microfiber cloth to prevent water spots.

Also Read: Will Vinegar Damage Car Paint? + video

Lemon Juice

lemon juice spray

lemon juice spray

Lemon juice is acidic like vinegar and could be able to get rid of the stains. You may either apply the lemon juice with a cloth or squeeze the juice into a spray bottle. Even better, just rub the lemon on the glass itself.

Perform Clay Bar Treatment

The surface of your car’s paint may be cleaned with a clay bar or a detailing tool. Use the clay bar to take the white flecks from the paint by gliding it over them. To keep the clay bar from clinging to the paint, don’t forget to apply a detail spray as a lubricant.

Essential Oils

Mineral content may be removed with the use of specific essential oils, such as orange or lemon. Apply a few drops of essential oil and some water on the white spots to cover them. Let it rest for a time before wiping it off.




To assist in getting rid of white spots, toothpaste can have a slightly abrasive effect. To treat the white spots, dab a moist towel with a tiny bit of toothpaste and gently touch the area. After completely drying the region, rinse the toothpaste off with water.

Make Paint Corrections So That the Car Looks its Best

It could be time to attempt a protective treatment or chemical cleansers if the aforementioned approaches prove ineffective. To start, you must collect the following three items:

  • Microfiber applicator pad
  • Electric orbital polisher
  • Compound for buffing paint job

Anyone who has attempted paint protection will confirm that it is a hit-or-miss situation. You must try something else if your initial attempts at a solution are unsuccessful.

You may use this procedure to get rid of even the most difficult water spots on your autos if you put up your best effort.

Are Water Spots Bad For Car Paint?

water spots on car

water spots on car

Yes, water spots can damage car paint and cause ugly spots due to unfiltered water minerals. This mineral content can damage the clear coat of the car, causing corrosion, paint fading and discoloration. It’s crucial to remove water spots promptly to protect paint from long-term paint damage.

Also Read: Will Boiling Water Damage Car Paint?

How About Car Paint Stain Prevention Tips?

You may save a lot of time and work in the long run by preventing white spots from developing on your car’s paint. Here are some tips to help you stay away from obtaining car paint stains:


As was already said, nano-coating may act as a sealant over the paint on your car, keeping contaminants from sticking to the car surface and leaving white spots on your clear coat.

Hydrophobic Coats

Water can be repelled by hydrophobic coats, avoiding mineral contents and water spots drying on the surface of the car’s clear coat.

Car Covers

car cover

car cover

The likelihood of white spots growing on your car’s paint can be decreased by using a car cover to shield it from the weather.

Park Your Car Out Of Direct Sunlight

Your car may be shielded from the sun, which can hasten the etching process, by being parked in the shade or in a garage.

Frequent Wash

car wash

car wash

By regularly washing your car, you may get rid of things that could lead to white spots on the paint before they have a chance to etch into it.

Also Read: Damage Car Paint: 25 Common Causes You Need to Avoid


White spots on car paint can be a bothersome issue, but with the appropriate information and methods, they can be successfully avoided and eliminated. You may take proactive measures to protect your car’s clear coat and keep it looking its best by being aware of the reasons white spots and water spots appear and how they originate. Always remember that prevention is always preferable to treatment, so wash your car frequently, apply coatings like a ceramic coating to preserve it and park your vehicle in the shade whenever you can.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can white spots be removed from car paint?

There are several methods to remove these spots from car paint, including washing and drying your vehicle, using a white vinegar solution, performing a clay bar treatment, using essential oils, applying toothpaste, using a nano-coating, applying a hydrophobic coat, using a car cover, parking your car out of direct sunlight, and washing your car frequently.

What causes white spots on cars?

Mineral content such as calcium and magnesium carbonates are frequently to blame for white spots on vehicles since they are left behind when unfiltered water dries on the car surface which leads to water spots. If dirt includes compounds that may etch into the paint of the car, such dirt may also result in white blotches.

How can white oxidation on car paint be removed?

Light to moderate oxidation may be removed using polishing chemicals, but severe oxidation necessitates the use of a rubbing agent that also functions as a vehicle oxidation remover. Once all signs of oxidation have been eliminated, quickly remove the compound after applying it carefully to a small area and massaging it into the paint.

Can you use sandpaper on car paint?

Dry sand any surface damage or rust with 180-grit sandpaper first, then switch to 320-grit paper to remove the scratches left by the 180-grit paper. Whichever way you choose, finish it off by sanding the paint with 400- to 600-grit paper to prepare the surface for the upcoming coats.

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